Accessibility statement
The Dawley Heritage site has been developed to be accessible to as many users as possible.
How our site implements Accessibility:
Consistent navigation, headings and typography throughout the site.
The Navigation
The main navigation (top menu) appears at the top of the page but in fact is below the page’s main content in the HTML structure of the pages. This means users with screen readers and users using a keyboard to navigate the site can get to the pages content without having to go through the navigation items.
Alternative Text
We endeavor to give appropriate Alternative text to all images on the site. Alternative text (Alt tags) provide a description of the displayed image. This is useful for users using screen readers and users with images turned off in their browsers.
Relevant Font Sizing
The text size can be adjusted using the three A's at the top of the page, these will affect the main textual content and works with the design throughout all the major browsers. Alternatively you can change the font size in your browser using one of the keyboard shortcuts from the pages linked below. You can also find shortcuts listed on your software vendors website/operating insructions.
Keyboard navigation
The site can be successfully navigated using a keyboard instead of a mouse. The tab key will move you around the site from link to link each time it is pressed.
* Keyboard shortcuts: A list of the most common keyboard shortcuts in when using either the Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera web browser.
* Mouse shortcuts: A list of the most common mouse shortcuts when using either the Firefox, Internet Explorer or Opera web browser.
* Internet Explorer keyboard shortcuts