Dawley Heritage Project
The opportunity to undertake a Dawley History project of this nature arose sometime after Telford & Wrekin Council designating Dawley as an area for regeneration and the establishment of the Dawley Regeneration Partnership in 2006. The Chairman, Board of Directors and the Partnership Board actively backed a proposal for a Dawley Heritage Project and have given it its full support throughout.
Funding for the project was achieved from the Heritage Lottery & Telford & Wrekin Council through its Borough Towns Initiative and Dawley Regeneration Partnership.
Sincere thanks go to the following people without whose contribution, efforts and enthusiasm this project could not have been completed:
All the people who live in, or have connections to, Dawley, past and present, who have shown an interest in Dawley’s colourful and inspirational history. I hope this project has served to further increase your justifiable pride in the Dawley area and the people associated with it!
Malcolm Peel for the many long hours of he has given voluntarily given to help bring this project to fruition. His help and support has been invaluable throughout, both with regards to the Heritage Trail and the history of sites; the research and the writing of articles and the photographs of scenes and buildings that he has provided.
To all members of the Project Steering Group who each played a vital part in ensuring the success of the venture:
Joan Noel, friend and support throughout the Project, who as Chair of the Project Steering Group gave excellent guidance throughout and as Treasurer oversaw project finances.
Paul Wolfe who has given so much help and support the Project, especially with the celebration events in which he was so actively involved In addition, he ran the Dawley History course and chaired the Dawley Research group that arose from this course, as well as undertaking project research himself.
Pam Bradburn D.L who has given her time and knowledge, both of local history and of local contacts to the Project; acted as a great sounding board for ideas ranging from the initial project idea and writing the funding bid to research on key figures and events in Dawley’s history, such as Samuel Peploe, Joseph Simpson and the Cinderhill Riots and the making of the new town.
Ken Jones MBE, whose vast knowledge of Dawley’s History I was able to call on so often and who gave his time and efforts so freely to be ‘the voice’ of the Heritage Trail podcasts.
Paul Sherry, who when working for the Council was able to give extremely helpful advice, guidance and support to ensure the project was effectively established and supported by the Council. His continued support in a freelance role with writing of articles was much appreciated.
Crawford Douglas, who was able to guide and support me on so many issues regarding the trail and the website.
Louise Scotford who ensured that spending remained within budget and who was able to provide really helpful advice and monthly expenditure forecasts as well as complete the financial returns to the Heritage Lottery.
Marilyn Higson who provided research information and offered really useful advice and support throughout the project.
Dawley History Group members for their support, particularly at the Project Events. A particular mention to Sue Wolfe for all the hard work she has put in and to Martin Bailey for the great photographs for the Heritage Trail.
To all the people in the Dawley History Research group who carried out research on Dawley’s people, places and events
All the people who provided their reminiscences of life in the Dawley area for the website
All the people who kindly gave information on photographs for the archive and who provided photographs for the website and book.
Dawley Art Group members whose wonderful sketches have added an extra dimension to the website, leaflets and book
Mark Chetwood for the article on and photos and copies of artefacts relating to George Chetwood
Staff at Telford & Wrekin Council, particularly in the I.T department who supported this project
Staff at Great Dawley Parish Council who have been very supportive of the project
Councillors at Borough and Parish level who gave their support the project
The following individuals and companies whose professional expertise made the whole project possible:
Clear Design Consultancy - Clear Design - for producing and maintaining the Dawley Heritage website
Michael Pooley who did such an excellent job writing the final copy for the web pages and for the Heritage Trail leaflet and downloadable Heritage Trail Guide.
Mike Ashton of MA Creative for the artwork and design for the Heritage Trail: maps, way marker discs & stickers and leaflet; for the Dawley heritage book design and printing; for the design and production of the Activities for Schools pack and for the downloadable pdfs for the website
Gary Wootton and Dan Garner for the long hours that went into the ensuring the quality of final reminiscence and trail podcasts Matthew Williams for all his help and support in uploading information onto the website
Beth Edwards and Sophie Kirwan for their hard work in helping to prepare for the Dawley Heritage Launch Event
Philip Cox the artist, ably supported by his wife, for the facilitation of the William Ball workshop with primary school pupils to produce a sculpture in paper and card of William Ball.
Telford College of Arts & Technology for providing tutors and funding for the courses
Ironbridge Gorge Museum Trust and Shropshire Archives for their advice, support and photographs
The Shropshire Star and Telford Journal for use of photos and articles
Staff and children from Captain Webb Primary, Dawley CE School and Ladygrove Primary who participated in the project and to the Headteachers who were so supportive of the venture
Age Concern for helping to organise and deliver the Reminiscences Workshops
AJB Contracting for installing and maintaining the Heritage Trail way markers
Orangleleaf Systems Ltd for advice on CMS system for the website
My personal thanks go to Dawley Regeneration Partnership Chairman Mike Lowe CBE, D.L., Directors and Board Members for allowing me the privilege of managing this project which has been the most fulfilling engagement of my professional life, and for giving me the help and support to bring it fruition
Thank you all!
Shirley Bruneau
Project Manager
Dawley Heritage Project